How digital is Europe? That question might be answered by the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) raised by the European Commission. Not only does it show the usage habits of the EU citizen and the level of digitalization in the economic and public area, but it also gives information on the digital conditions in all European countries – the internet access. The calculated Connectivity-Index shows how fast, how affordable the internet is and how intensively European users are accessing it. Comparing the different countries of the EU reveals great differences.

  • Digital role-models and latecomers: The first-placed Netherlands scored almost twice as high as tail light Croatia (81.7 index points to 45.0)
  • People in Finland are big at mobile data: Finland is placed first in mobile broadband – but only twelfth in the overall ranking. A reason for this could be the comparatively small usage of the fixed broadband network.
  • Luxurious good or basic supply? Measured in comparison to the disposable income Croatians pay five times more for their fixed broadband network than Swedish people.

 "excerpt": "Fast and easily accessible broadband internet is the prerequisite for digitalization in Europe. This visualization shows the status quo in the EU.",
 "creationDate": "2017-12-28",
 "permalink": "",
 "language": "en",
 "categories": "Digitalization",
 "media": "Data-Dashboard",
 "imageFeatured": "",
 "status": "publish",
 "authorId": "8",
 "author": "dpa"